Thesis/Dissertation Similarity Checking (Turnitin system)

Starting from 111th academic year (year 2022), graduate students shall submit the Thesis/Dissertation to "Turnitin checker " (Library System: please click in) before the degree exam and get the approval from both the advisor and the department. Please submit the Similarity Checking Report along with the signed Form of Academic Ethics and Authentication of Originality Statement to the Department "before" the defense application. 


  1. The thesis's similarity index must be below 20%, with the exclusion of published journals or conference proceedings through manual deduction. If, after manually deducting the self-works, the similarity index still surpasses 20%, students are required to submit a statement elucidating the reasons. This statement should be approved and signed by both the Advisor and Committee members.
  2. Use Filter: please 1. exclude the bibliography and; 2. exclude sources that are less than 10 words.
  3. The similarity-checking report of the thesis must be applied the filters and settings as instructed above and verified and approved by the department office before your defense. (MS submission at least 2 weeks before the defense / PhD submission at least 1 month before the defense)


  4. 論文原創性比對相似度標準為20%。但學位論文中引用學生自身,就同一研究主題曾發表之期刊或學術會議論文的部分,則不在此限。
  5. 學生論文超過相似度標準時,若指導教授與口試委員簽名同意即可視為通過。然而相似度扣除自身發表於期刊或學術會議的部分,仍須在30%以內。
  6. 使用Turnitin篩選條件包括 1.排除參考文獻 2.排除小型來源(限字數10以內)
  7. 學生須由指導教授檢核比對報告內容相似度指數及篩選條件是否符合系所規定,才得申請口試。於學位考試時,由口試委員審核論文題目及內容是否與系所專業領域相符。