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NTUST Scholarship Extensions for Ph.D. Students

Taiwan Tech offers international students financial support for the whole period of their Ph. D studies at Taiwan Tech based on their academic achievements. The maximum funding period for a Ph. D program is seven years, i.e. enrolled doctoral students may apply consecutively for one-year scholarship extensions to finish their doctorates.


International students, who have entered the fourth year of a PhD program at Taiwan Tech and have received a NTUST scholarship for a period of up to three years, may apply for one-year scholarship extensions if their academic performance meets certain requirements (see below). 
Doctoral students, who entered a NTUST PhD program after one-year master’s studies (“Fast Track option) and have received a NTUST scholarship for a period of up to four years, are also eligible to apply for further extensions under the same conditions.
Doctoral students enrolled in NTUST PhD programs who are receiving other forms of financial aid from the R.O.C. government or any other form of funding from public Taiwanese institutions are not eligible to apply. 

Please click here for further information


Last update: 18 Apr. 2022

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