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Guidelines for Degree Thesis Defense Examination (M.S.)


The Period of Graduation Defense Examination:

  • Defense Season in Spring Semester: April 1 to July 31.

  • Defense Season in Fall Semester: October 1 to January 31.


Requirements for Examination Committees for MS Candidates:

  • For MS candidates, a minimum of three (or more) committee members are required, with a minimum of two of them being internal members of NTUST.

Before Defense

  1. Finalize your thesis (first draft) - Please click here for NTUST thesis format & binding.
  2. Check your eligibility
  3.  Thesis Similarity Checking

Verification of the non-academic committee members (Skip this if not applicable)

Committee Members who are from "non-academic" field (i.e. industry / private company) shall have their qualifications validated by the Department before thesis defense (click to download the application form)

(Skip this if not applicable)

Defense Date Registration and Receipt Preparation

Degree Defense Registration Portal : ME internal system (https://student.me.ntust.edu.tw/#)(Login restricted to campus domain only.)

  1. Log in to the system using your student ID with capitalized letter as the Default Password.
  2. You will be requested to upload a copy of your Similarity Index Report (Originality Report Part only, excluding thesis part) on the system.
  3. The approval process takes approximately 2 working days.
  4. Please log in to the same portal to check the status of your request. Once it's approved, you will be directly directed to the "Receipt Generating System" to register your defense date and generate the committee's Receipt Form.
  5. Ensure that the Receipt Form is signed by all committee members and have it submitted back to the Department Office after your defense.
  6. Please provide the Google form (https://reurl.cc/V3yGrn) to “external” committees to fill out (off-campus committees only). This is necessary for NTUST to proceed with the transaction of their examination fee afterward.

Reservation for meeting room :

  1. Check the availability of rooms (click here).
  2. Contact Mr. LIN at extension number 6476 to reserve the meeting room.

On the day of your defense

Prepare the following documents in hardcopy for Committee's approval signatures.

  • Examination Evaluation Form for each professor
  • Receipt Form
  • Qualification Form

After Defense

Please submit the following documents back to the Department Office:

Delay (Embargo) public access to the Thesis (optional)

Please visit NTUST Library for application form and guidelines

  • If you wish to delay public access to your thesis, please confirm the date with your advisor before uploading the final draft to the NTUST Library system. This will ensure consistency in the date of public access between the Letter of Authorization and the date verified by the NTUST Library.

School-Leaving Procedure

Upload the final draft to NTUST Library system

Two copies of your thesis are required for the school-leaving procedure. 

  1. One paperback copy must be submitted to the Office of Mechanical Engineering Department, which will be forwarded to the National Central Library. Another copy should be directly submitted to the NTUST Library.
  2. Completion of the School Leaving Form: to obtain the school-leaving form, please visit the Student Information System > Personal Information> Leaving Process for Graduate Students: https://i.ntust.edu.tw/EN/student


Last update: Jan. 2024

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