


  1. 102學年度入學者:



  1. 106學年度入學者:




Application Requirements for the PhD Thesis Defense Examination


  1. To apply for the thesis defense examination, PhD candidates who entered the program after 2013 (enrolled in/after academic year 102) must complete at least two

thesis-related articles published (or accepted) in SCI-indexed journals and with at least one of those written in English and issued by a SCI-indexed journal owned by

an overseas publisher. The candidate and his/her supervisor must be either the first, second or corresponding author of the above-mentioned publications.

  1. To apply for the thesis defense examination, PhD candidates who entered the program after 2017 (enrolled in/after academic year 106) shall comply with the

journal-publication requirements as abovementioned in Point 1, and in addition, participate in international conferences at least once to give an oral presentation in

English. Note that the oral presentation given by the candidate within five years when he/she is affiliated with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at NTUST can

be considered qualified upon his/her supervisor's approval.

二、審查時程: Review Procedure



As the review meeting is held in the first week of every month, applicants shall submit their applications ONE month ahead via the following link:


三、申請資料上傳Application upload

1. 申請學位考試資料彙整表

Doctoral Thesis Examination Application Form

2. 博士學位論文指導教授推薦書

Doctoral Thesis Recommendation Form

3. 共同指導教授同意書 Application for Co-Supervision of Thesis

  如您為兩位教授共同指導之博士生,請上傳共指同意書供本系學術委員審查(上傳檔案須含共指教授之簡歷、博士證書影本、在職證明)Should you under co-advisorship please upload the form of "Application for Co-Supervision of Thesis/Dissertation" in this section. (Please merge the application form and the co-advisor's CV, Ph.D. certificate, and employment certificate into one PDF)

4. 博士學位考試委員名冊

List of Doctoral Degree Examination Committee members

5. 學位口試委員審核申請表

Application form for Validation of the Examiners

It is required for examiners from none-academia field only. If all examiners are from academia please disregard this section.

6. 成績單 Academic Transcript

7. 參加國際會議口頭報告審核表

Verification Form and Agenda of International Conference Attendance

Applicants shall upload a verification form for giving oral presentation in International Conference along with the conference agenda. (Please merge into one PDF)

8.2篇期刊(包括該期刊排名表) Journal Publication2 (including information on journal citation reports)
